Monday, 5 November 2012

Can I run Bastion on an Intel Graphics laptop?

This 2011 Action RPG indie title, captured the hearts and imaginations of gamers world over. A dynamic and original art-style combined with stunning enigmatic narration and sound design.

The game was first released on XBLA in July of 2011, but was eventually ported to Steam in August of the same year and now you can even play it on iPad and if you have a Google Chrome Browser, you can get Bastion for a few dollars.

So clearly, something that is fairly simple, multi-platformed and cool as hell would be optimised for any system right?
I mean, by now you can kinda guess whether some guys are going to run really well and others are just going to heat up and crash harder than the Hindenburg?

I mean, I'm aware I'm assuming a lot of knowledge about you and why you visit this site, and I do apologise for that, but seriously, it's a colourful top-down title with an expandable environment not a mega-3D triple-A shooty McHead Grunt kinda game.

So will Bastion run on your Intel Graphics Laptop?

Yes, to put it simply. Sometimes I feel I have to pad out the opening paragraphs to make sure it covers the size of the image and I thank you for your patience to sit (or stand) and read all that wordy stuff.

Starting up Bastion for the first time, it will take time to install XNA and .Net and DirectX9 and what not before you jump into your extravagant and charming game experience. It will take between 2-3 minutes to do so on this laptop, including just simple installation time. There was another minute between loading times while waiting for it to get to a splash or opening screen. I finally saw a beacon of hope in a Warner Bros and Supergiant logo before finally waiting at a white screen.

I always panic at these kind of scenarios, everything seems to be going swimmingly and then you hit a brick wall, like building a dam in the path of migrating salmon. The game finally kept going, some acoustic music started slowly strumming and the menu popped up.

The day was saved. I started a story, new game and our journey began. The game does lag a bit in the opening but after a few minutes of playing, everything gets into sync. You can turn down the resolution and textures if it does both you in the opening, then raise them back up later on. Also this seems to only be an issue for first time installation, playing it again later, you should be fine and experience less lag.

Bastion is a stunner of a game and if you don't want to spend a fifteen bucks on the Steam version, you can get it for free on Google Chrome's Web Store.

If you want me to test other settings or resolutions, just ask in the comments or email me.

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