Sunday, 4 November 2012

So can I play Amnesia: the Dark Descent on my Intel graphics laptop?

I was initially going to do each post alphabetically, but I thought between download times, I can just do other games and save them for latter, but bugger that, let's just start doing it.

First on the chopping block is the 2010 scarefest, Amnesia The Dark Descent. Frictional Games, well known for their atmospheric Penumbra series, decided to branch out and tell another classical "things that go bump in the night" tale. But can it run on this laptop?

When you load up the game on Steam, you're greeted by this lovely launcher.

It's clearly detected my usual screen settings and the fact that I only have an Intel HD Graphics chip. To make things even scarier, I dated a girl called Justine in high school. Amnesia clearly knows too much about me already.

I click Launch Game and hope for the best.

The best begins with a black screen for about ten seconds. I see a cursor, one of the signs of hope for any PC gamer, but that hope disappears when I see the Windows loading icon, a single circle rotating and teasing me for how circular my failures may be.

I try again, this time looking into the graphics option and adjusting some settings. I turn all the visual settings down to Medium (Shadows, textures, etc.), still run at the default screen resolution (1024x768), run it in Full Screen. The circle begins to turn again, anxiety rises as I feel my failure set in stone.

But it works! I'm given the brief messages from the team at Frictional about how the game should truly be played. I turn my gamma up as high as it will go because I'm a wuss and the game loads. The droning ambient music begins as I create a new profile and wait out my doom. The game's mouse may seem a bit laggy at first, but not to worry, you can always adjust that if needed.

So yes, it does work. It is up to you whether or not you want to adjust the settings lower regarding the textures, but at 1024, it's pretty clear and you honestly never get used to stumbling and getting freaked out in the dark. Amnesia is, by all accounts, a truly frightening and humbling experience for people who want the classic survival horror experience. The story is told through bits and pieces you find throughout the game and before you know it you'll be fighting for your life in a flooded basement against invisible creatures. Good Luck!

No, seriously, good luck!

In a weird horror movie kind of twist, I don't remember purchasing Amnesia The Dark Descent...but for Steam, that's not too uncommon. You can buy Amnesia right here for a frightful good time!

Any other tests such as resolution or texture tests, don't be afraid to email me.

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