Sunday, 4 November 2012

What is LappyVidya?

LappyVidya is a small blog run by Totes Vidya, initially a YouTube channel, to help you play games on your laptop. I'm not talking your fancy schmancy AlienWare kingdom-come machines, I'm talking for the more price-savvy gamers who may not have the dosh or the tech to play the latest games in Ultra. Currently I am writing and have Steam on a two-year old Compaq. It was picked up for $500 during a christmas stocktake sale at Australian retailer, Harvey Norman.

It is running an internal Intel Graphics Card, running Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit), Intel Pentium CPU B940 2GHz with 2Ghz of RAM (1.85 Usable). This will be my last month with this laptop as it's my family's and I will be upgrading to my own laptop soon. I thought this would be the best opportunity to profess my love for this machine which has let me play games on it.

This is literally what we're working with here:

I'm not claiming to be an expert on the hardware that is in this laptop, I'm here to provide a minor guide on possibly running games on laptop's without integrated graphics chips from AMD or NVidia. This is what this blog is for. Letting you know that while System Requirements Lab is an awesome and amazing site, it's not always right.

Time and time again, I've been told, you don't have the correct 3D Shaders or you have a little less RAM or not enough processing power. I've rarely let logic stand in my way and the algorithms they have got and calculated are correct, but for some reason this game is still running, but I appreciate the warning.

So this is my first post explaining that I will be going through my Steam collection, but if you have requests to see what I can run, send me an email and I'll see what I can do.

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