Sunday, 4 November 2012

Can I run The Binding of Isaac on my Intel laptop?

The Binding of Isaac is a special little game in the hearts of many. Released in 2011 by Team Meat, creators of Super Meat Boy and some amazing flash games, Binding became an amazing hit with gamers of all shapes and sizes. It's mix of a disturbing Legend of Zelda aesthetic and classic roguelike gameplay, The Binding of Isaac was a win-win situation for both fans of Meat and rogue lovers.

I got this game from a Humble Bundle and have been a huge fan of Team Meat ever since their first games showed up on Newgrounds. With the anticipation of Isaac, people were worried whether the team could capture lightening in a bottle. It did incredibly well, played well and got some rave reviews. The game is complimented for it's unique artstyle and brooding music provided by game composer Danny Baranowsky (better known as Danny B).

But will the Binding of Isaac run on my computer or simply bind up and crash?

The game is a triumph, to say the least and the expansion pack, Wrath of Lamb is an awesome addition to the full game that is worth the few dollars if you already love the original game. So I double click on the game in my Steam Library and wait for the awesomeness to begin.

I get a quick splash screen and then after a minute the game start. The turning of pages, a brash voice over and our story begins. I played a few levels before ultimately being killed by the Duke of Flies. The game ran fine in 1280x720 with Detail on High. I even tried it on 1280x800 before realising it cut off some of the edges of my screen. I then made some adjustments and saw how it was in a simple small windowed version. It runs perfectly fine both ways, however I did experience some minor lag when playing it on 800, it could also be the fact I have 3 YouTube tabs open and a few other programs.

Again, I covered the game earlier in the year on my YouTube channel and was quite happy with the results, except for the fact, the recording software I was using was not taking in the video and so I had to do it desktop style.

Yay! The Binding of Isaac runs smoothly on this laptop. And you can buy Binding of Isaac on Steam, also I honestly have to say the DLC and soundtrack is definitely worth the purchase.

If you want me to test any other settings, don't hesitate to email me. Don't forget we're on Facebook and Twitter: @TotesVidya

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