Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Can I run Braid on an Intel Graphics Laptop?

I'm realising more and more as I'm writing each post that I have a somewhat pretentious Steam Library. Between a few other titles, Bastion and Braid, I'm one "experience" game away from being crowned a wanky game owner. If Flower was on Steam, you'd expect me to have purchased it (I do have that on PSN). I do believe these games do have innate qualities designated both aesthetically and creatively within the fabric of the gaming quilt that both games weave for the player.

Told you, wanky. Braid is a great puzzling platformer from 2008, one of the first great indie titles to truly make it big. Braid tells the story of a man named Tim who is after The Princess as he recollects fragments of his memory and their relationship. You jump, leap and reverse time as you move through each level collecting puzzle pieces and finding out the truth of their romantic history. Was it a fling, an infatuation or just a relationship doomed to fail? All shall be revealed in...Braid.

Now after all that wankiness, will the game actually be bothered to get it's pretentious arse to play on your "common" laptop?

Braid is a stunning and artistically unique game with it's hand crafted levels, characters and pastiche of the classic Mario formula. The game gives you a few seconds of waiting time and then launches without fail. The game can be played at the highest resolution and still run perfectly fine. I highly suggest it for how much detail, time and love that has been put into this game. Each level it's own feel and it rarely repeats itself, it even has a mode for speed running if you fall in love with the game on a digitally athletic level.

So yes, you can run Braid on an Intel Graphics laptop and I do hope if you're looking for an original title with a lot of replayability, fun and something stunning to look at, I highly suggest Briad...or you know, Bastion. You can pick up both on Steam, but here's Braid for the time being. Braid is also on XBLA, PSN and on Steam including Mac and Linux versions.

If you want me to test any resolutions or any other games, don't hesitate to email me or drop a comment below.

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