Sunday, 4 November 2012

So can I run Atom Zombie Smasher on my Intel graphics laptop?

Every single one of these posts are a small trip into my library for great games that others may not have heard of. If you have heard of them, awesome, if not, even more awesome because you get to learn about more games. This next one is called Atom Zombie Smasher made by Brendan Chung (30 Flights of Loving, Flotilla). The game is a Real Time Strategy title where you play as a military unit, using everything at their disposal to help get people out of different metropolitan areas.

As you go through each level, the stakes get higher and higher as the zombie horde begin to take over more and more of your beloved country. With an amazing 1950's surf track, Russian propaganda artwork and a great amount of dynamic gameplay, Atom Zombie Smasher is a game that you may have been missing out on, but will my laptop run it?

Atom Zombie Smasher is a game that I struggle with, not in terms of running it, but in terms of gameplay. In simpler terms, I suck at it, but just on the game design, artwork and music alone, I come back for more and more. I load up the game on Steam and I wait.

It takes 40 seconds to go from the Steam loading screen to the real loading screen. From there we wait another minute and it loads. A quick strumming guitar and a quick drum begins and we're off. I am playing it at 1024x768 with everything on medium, so even when playing, the game does chug along. It's very brief and only happens maybe once or twice per level. Other than the comic style cut-scenes, the game isn't too graphic intensive, so unless you like starring at little cubes of purple and yellow, I think you'll be fine lowering the settings.

The game shines as an on going question of sacrifice and destruction in a destructive landscape. As the stakes get higher, you'll realise you really cannot save everyone and you may be the death that brings them closer to God in some instances. I cannot express how much love I have for this game...mainly because I already did it in this twenty minute video from earlier in the year.

Atom Zombie Smasher is a must-buy from me and yes, it can run on your laptop, you may just want to tweak some of the settings down a bit. You can get it on Steam right here.

If you want me to test it on other settings or textures, just email me or contact me on Twitter: @TotesVidya

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